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daughter confirmation card from heaven with guardian angel token includes an envelope

Daughter Confirmation Gift From Deceased Parent


To Daughter on your Confirmation Day With Love From Heaven

This is designed to give to your daughter from a deceased parent or parents on her confirmation day. This gift includes some words of love and a keepsake guardian angel to remind her that her parent or parents are looking down on her from up above on her confirmation day.  The token has a guardian angel on one side, and on the other side it reads "Guardian Angel...Protect us all, Giving strength when we might fall, Watching, guiding, Lighting the way, Thru the night and every day. 

Token Size: 1 1/8"
Card Size: 5 1/2"x 8" 
Poem will read "My" or "Our"

Poem reads:
To My DaughterOn Your Confirmation Day

I wish that I could be there

On your Confirmation day.

There are so many things

I wish I was there to say.

You’ve worked and prepared

Your heart for this holy day,

And God will always be near you

In His loving way.

As you go down the road

That God has chosen for you,

May He richly bless you

And guide you in all that you do.

I’m so proud and thankful

You’ve professed your love and faith

And will promise to serve Him

For the rest of your days.

May this little angel be

a reminder of my love

And that I’ll be there with you

Watching from up above.


Author: Denise Wiedeman

Denise Wiedeman, Owner
(970) 590-2162
Eaton, Colorado
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Handcrafted angel pins, visor clips, pocket tokens, wedding hankie gifts and other inspirational gifts for all occasions.

Angels knew from the start that gifts of love are gifts from the heart.

Angel Designs by Denise

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