Honorary Angel Poem & Guardian Angel Pin Set #112
This guardian angel pin set makes a nice gift to give to a friend. Available with an antique silver or gold pin with a crystal or pearl head. Card Size: 4 1/4"x 5 1/2" Angel pin #a112 Size: 3/8" Scroll down to read the poem.
Honorary Angel
There are some special angels,
and I know they’re all around.
They do not live up in the sky,
but right here on the ground.
They don’t have halos made of gold
or wings to fly up high.
It is their actions, not their looks,
that tend to catch the eye.
You, my friend, are one of these,
for with your caring deeds,
You bless the lives of others,
attending to their needs.
Because you’re always there
when help is hard to find.
I know that you’re an angel
of the “honorary” kind!Author Unknown
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