Daughter is a Wonderful Blessing Hankie & Angel Pin Gift Set
This gift set is a perfect gift to tell your daughter how much she means to you. Perfect for a birthday, confirmation or graduation. This gift boxed set includes a white lace-trimmed hanky with your choice of angel pins. Card size: 8 1/2"x 5 1/2" Pin size: 5/8" (pastel daisy card pictured) Select your choice of options below. Scroll down to read poem.
A daughter is a wonderful blessing,
A treasure from above.
She’s laughter, warmth, and special charm,
She’s thoughtfulness and love.
A daughter brings a special joy,
That comes from deep inside.
And as she grows to adulthood,
She fills your heart with pride.
With every year that passes,
She’s more special than before.
Through every stage, through every age,
You love her even more.
No words can describe the warm memories,
That pride and gratitude, too.
That comes from having a daughter,
To love and to cherish…just like you.
Author: Unknown
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