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Making a Difference Poem Card

Making a Difference Poem Card


Give this card to someone who can make a difference in someone's life.  Card Size: 2 1/2"x 3 1/2"  Scroll down to read the poem.

  • Poem

    Making a Difference
    A little boy walked carefully
    along a crowded beach
    Where starfish by the hundreds
    lay there within his reach.
    They washed up with each wave,

    far as the eye could see

    And each would surely die

    if they were not set free.

    So one by one he rescued them,

    then he heard a stranger call,
    "It won't make a difference...
    you cannot save them all."
    But as he tossed another back
    towards the ocean's setting sun,
    He said with deep compassion,
    "I made a difference to that one!"

    One life at a time!

    Text © Abbey Press, St. Meinrad, IN. 47577 

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