To My Godmother on My Wedding Day Hankie & Angel Pin Set
This gift set is a perfect keepsake gift to give your godmother on your wedding day to tell her how special she is to you. This gift boxed set includes a white lace-trimmed hankie with your choice of angel pins.
Card size: 8 1/2"x 5 1/2"
Pin size: 5/8"
(pastel lined card pictured)
Select your choice of options below.
Scroll down to read the poem.
To my Godmother
On my Wedding Day
This gift is for you, Godmother
You are so sweet and dear.
It means so very much to me
To have you here.
You’ve loved and guided me,
You’ve helped me mold my heart.
Your love and prayers for me
Have been there from the start.
This keepsake hanky is to dry the tears
That you may shed,
And a guardian angel to watch over you
On the day that I will wed.
With heartfelt gratitude
I wanted to say
How very much “I love you,”
Today and everyday.
Author: Denise Wiedeman
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